Effective Feb. 1, 2024, Hockey Alberta is implementing a full-ice pilot project at the U-9 level of the Intro to Hockey program.

Full-ice pilot project

The Hockey Alberta full-ice pilot project for U-9 is running from Feb. 1 to March 31, 2024. The pilot project focuses on the adoption of Hockey Canada’s End of Season Phase, allowing teams the option to play five-on-five full-ice hockey from Feb. 1 to March 30 each season.

The pilot project is based on the recognition that players are missing game-play skills and tactics when they transition from U-9 to U-11. The pilot allows players to have more success when entering U-11, allowing more enjoyment of the game.

How does this impact league play?

This DOES NOT impact scheduled league play. The remaining U-9 games this season will continue to be half-ice. If a team chooses, they can acquire ice, officials and arrange an exhibition game with another team that is played on full-ice. The process for requesting permits for exhibition games will remain the same and is described on Hockey Edmonton’s website.

Learn more

Questions about the pilot can be directed to SWAT U-9 Category Director, Mark, at novice@swat.ca.

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