
SWAT U-9, U-11 and U-13 players are organized into tiers according to the Alberta One tiering model. Players will be designated between Tier 1 and Tier 6 based on the results of the pre-season evaluation process.

The objective of tiering is to create balanced competition between teams from different hockey associations, and to foster player development by forming teams with players of similar ability.

Within SWAT, Tiers 1 and 2 are generally considered Competitive Stream, Tiers 3 and 4 are considered Developmental Stream, and Tiers 5 and 6 are considered Recreational Stream.

SWAT players at all tiers are eligible to enroll in development programming with various providers. The following Competitive Stream tiers also have mandatory development programming.

  • U-13: Tier 1
  • U-11: Tier 1 and tier 2
  • U-9: Tier 1

Mandatory development programming costs are covered by a team cash call to cover associated ice and instructional costs.