Body checking

Under Hockey Canada rules, body checking is not allowed at any level within SWAT.

Hockey Canada Rule 6.2(b) states the following:

In divisions of U-13 and below and female hockey, a minor penalty for body checking or, at the discretion of the referee, a major penalty and a game misconduct penalty shall be assessed any player who, in the opinion of the referee, intentionally body checks, bumps, shoves or pushes any opposing player. If a player is injured, a major penalty and a game misconduct penalty must be assessed.

When the offensive player is skating towards the defensive player, the defending player may not hit the offensive player by going in the opposite direction to that player. The body contact must be as a result of the movement of the offensive player. There must be no action where the offensive player is pushed, checked or shoved into the boards. Where, in the opinion of the referee, accidental contact has taken place, no penalty shall be assessed. A match penalty could also be assessed under this rule.

All minor hockey head coaches at U-11, U-13, U-15 and U-18 are required to complete the Hockey Alberta checking skills clinic. For SWAT coaches, this clinic is helpful in clarifying the differences between body contact and body checking, and on learning to teach hockey fundamentals including positioning and angling, stick checking and other skills.

For more information, please review Hockey Alberta's Frequently Asked Questions document about the introduction of body checking to the game at U-15.