Page last updated on March 9 to include information about refunds

The SWAT year-end party at the West Edmonton Mall World Waterpark has been postponed.

We know many of our families were interested in this event, and thank you for purchasing tickets and help spread the word! Unfortunately, we have made the difficult decision to postpone the event until fall 2024 due to many of our families and teams sharing that the selected date and time didn’t work for their schedules. We are working on a plan to host this event in the fall to kick off our 2024 hockey season!


Thank you for your patience while we work through the best way to issue the refunds. Unfortunately, the SWAT bank account does not allow e-transfers due to the governance requirements of two signatories, so we have spent time trying to figure out the best way to process approximately 60 refunds.
Tickets will be refunded in one of the following two ways:

If your tickets were paid through a team bank account, SWAT will transfer the money directly back to your team’s bank account. The team waterpark coordinator will handle individual refunds on your team. If you are a team waterpark coordinator, please email Tara Martin the following information:

  • Confirmation it was a team account that was used to place the order. In some cases, Scotiabank listed a first name/last name as the account owner rather than the team name, so it is hard for volunteers to decipher if it was “John Smith, Scotiabank customer” or “John Smith, SWXXX Team Treasurer.”

If your tickets were paid through an individual bank account, we are going to need to issue individual cheques. If you ordered tickets individually, and not through a team, please email Tara Martin the following information:

  • The name the cheque should be made out to and your mailing address.
  • If the cheques are ready in time, we will have a two-hour pickup window at Terwillegar Recreation Centre on Saturday, March 16 and Sunday,
    March 17.

    • If you can’t make the pickup time, your cheque will be sent to you via mail.


We will still host an event in fall 2024, and will be in need of volunteers! If this is an event you would like to be a part of, please send an email to