SWAT Hockey

SWAT Hockey is a volunteer-operated non-profit organization formed to organize and administer hockey programs on behalf of the community leagues within the southwest area two in Edmonton. A board of directors is formed from the general membership to carry out this mandate.

Bylaws, procedures and policies

  • SWAT Hockey is governed by a set of bylaws, policies and procedures.
  • SWAT Hockey, all participants (individuals and teams), and all other members, such as players, parents, relatives and friends of players, coaches or other members of SWAT Hockey, coaches, managers and teams, are bound by SWAT bylaws, rules, guidelines and policies.
  • Amendments to the policies and procedures manual may be made as required subject to the majority vote of SWAT's board of directors.
  • In the event of a conflict or inconsistency between any provision of the policies and procedures manual, any rule or guideline and any provision of the SWAT bylaws, the provisions of the SWAT bylaws shall prevail to the extent of the conflict or inconsistency.

SWAT Code of Conduct

SWAT is committed to ensuring and emphasizing respectful behaviour and conduct, both on and off the ice, which emulates SWATs Values. These values shall eliminate any disrespectful conduct and discriminatory practices including abuse, neglect and harassment from all elements of the game or events outside of the game.

Read the SWAT Code of Conduct

Annual General Meeting

The SWAT Board invites all members to attend our Annual General Meeting (AGM). Our AGM is a key meeting that may be attended by all SWAT members.

AGM activities

  1. Board members are elected to administer the SWAT Hockey program.
  2. Reports on yearly operations are made.
  3. Organizational, operational and planning issues are discussed.