The SWAT development model is player-based and does not focus on wins and losses. SWAT follows a development model of hockey that is applied at every level of the organization.
Our development model aligns with the long-term player development (LTPD) model by Hockey Canada. This model puts the player first, and includes the following:
- A base set of skills and practice plans will be provided to every coach that will cover the foundational skills required at each level and tier. This will help focus the coach's time on coaching rather than trying to find drills that are appropriate for their team.
- This programming is especially important for our teams in tiers 3 to 6 where it may be harder for organizations to find qualified and/or confident coaches.
- As skill levels increase, SWAT will build on the base that is established by Hockey Canada and increase the degree of difficulty in skill development sessions.
- For tiers 1 and 2, we will make a true effort to frame an entire season to help set the schedule to include both on and off-ice training and allow for power skating to be incorporated into the development plan.
- If allowable, opportunities for larger development sessions between teams of equal skill level will be scheduled in order to maximize ice usage.
SWAT Code of Conduct
SWAT is committed to ensuring and emphasizing respectful behaviour and conduct, both on and off the ice, which emulates SWATs Values. These values shall eliminate any disrespectful conduct and discriminatory practices including abuse, neglect and harassment from all elements of the game or events outside of the game.
SWAT development programs
The hockey development model within SWAT Hockey provides additional development opportunities and programs for all players within the organization. Program offerings are available for all players from Timbits through Peewee. The programs are subsidized by SWAT to ensure that there are opportunities for all players who wish to develop their skills.
Learn more about development programs.
SWAT provides long-term coach mentorship through various avenues, including the following:
- Allowing coaches of different categories to attend other practices.
- Scheduling a coach learning day similar to a teacher's convention.
For more information on SWAT player and coach development, please contact