SWAT Ice Melter
Since 1998, SWAT Hockey has hosted the SWAT Ice Melter hockey tournament, which is a season-ending tournament for U-11 and U-13 hockey teams in tiers 1 through 6.
2025 tournament dates
The 2025 SWAT Ice Melter will take place from March 21 to 23.
Visit the SWAT Ice Melter tournament website to review 2025 tournament schedules.
Arena locations
- BHA - Bill Hunter Arena: 9200 - 163 St. NW
- CFA - Confederation Leisure Centre: 11204 - 43 Ave. NW
- CRA - Crestwood Arena: 9940 - 147 St. NW
- OLA - Wîhkwêntôwin (Oliver) Arena: 10335 - 119 St. NW
- TCA, TCB, TCC, TCD - Booster Juice Recreation Centre in Terwillegar (Rink A, B, C, D): 2051 Leger Rd NW
- TIA - Tipton Arena: 10828 - 80 Ave. NW
- TME - The Meadows Community Recreation Centre [East Arena]: 2704 - 17 St. NW
Registration fees
- U-11: $1,750 (includes four 60-minute games)
- U-13: $2,000 (includes four 90-minute games)
For more information, contact swat.icemelter@gmail.com.
Tournament sponsors
Thank you to our 2025 tournament sponsors! Please note sponsor logos will be added as they are received.